Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Keeping Standards

If That is possible then anything is....

I Awoke to this view one year ago, We were at an elevation just below 10,000 feet ... I saw a deer walk by the lake side, while I drank coffee and ate instant oatmeal. August 2009

Grouper performed at the Swedish American Hall for the LandFESTival September 5th 2010. She played to a 16mm film projection. The sound of the projector added to the silence in the songs. The images were dream like as things unfolded to the music with random ambiguous shots Light dark patterns. They appear in daily experiences, with shots of streets snow covered in the night time in a city, {quiet moments}. To shots of empty parking lots, to corn fields in the winter. Views of driving down empty country roads, by trees that look like silhouettes. The music accompanied it beautifully.

I saw this Walking Home one night...

The Feelings and Emotions, page...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Its been awhile....

Hello, I have been a bit more active in my other life. Here, I have a very large job to attend to. Need to get you all caught up with my work thus far. I am also looking for new outlets for all to see more. I have been in the process of resettling myself. Things have been a bit bumpy this summer and now in the Fall time of year, they are smoothing out. Art, has come out in forms of intense caring for other individual's, sound explorations, more collage work, drawing, painting. I had also hosted a few guests, saw lots live music performances, and various films this summer.