Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Texture painting pictures and Tom


Tom Carter from 2010 New Years Eve


                              Click on image for link.

This image was taken at the Museum of Natural History in NYC.  From my recollection, it was  ceremonial costume from Africa unsure of origin or any further details. The texture mostly consist of sea shells.  The song was made in 2009 in bedroom on this day.  Originally met as gift to family and friends.     

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A few studies of the Squiggle

A detail of drawing not pictured.

These are all small drawings [smaller than] 8.5 x 11 that I wanted to share, to give a clearer understanding of a style.  I mentioned in an earlier entry called the "squiggle".   The style is an idea from my various "doodles" that were made while on hold with the telephone.  I liked the results that came from these automatic drawings.  Maybe because, the lack of over thinking of the gestures? Something I believe most are attempting to create with just enough of the right things.  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

   A detail of pen drawing on 22.5''x 30.5" paper.  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    New Work with the squiggles
I had decided to add an entry of how the work begins. I have used this style (the Squiggle) for a while but never in a large format. I have been adding to this piece over the past few weeks.  In hopes to not exhaust the idea out with its own repetition. I have been building this into a formation through the patterns that seems to work best.  I am at the moment, wondering where it is heading and what to do about the color on the left corner.  I had tried to use a paint pen in hopes of something, but not what I had hoped for.  I am in the process of  sorting this out, while other projects are attended to.  I have noticed when I reach a certain point in drawing.  I am tempted to turn the picture into a figure or begin to covet it a fear of any future mistakes. I am sure this is a dilemma for all makers of things though.  We will just have to see the outcome here in a future date.    

Friday, November 12, 2010

I am looking forward to doing this drive again in the near future.  February 13, 2009


A documentary, on Op Art with host,  Mike Wallace

Bridget Riley's works have always stood out to me in their simple, but very striking visual, through the  optical movement. The effect is created in the lines empty space between each line.

Time Life article on the subject of op art in the mid-1960s

My own beginning of a moment...influenced.                                                     22.5x 32"      2010

  A client that I work with did this on their own while testing markers at a recycling place.

I put the lines next to a test computer print out. It has a minimalist appearance. I like where the stamps are placed. It adds humour to the rigid order of things.

Friday, November 5, 2010

photos of places and places

                                View from back of Eureka ferryboat

2 Boat Tops at  Hyde Street Pier

                            Wagon carts in the ferryboat Eureka, built in 1890

                           The ferryboat entrance for the Eureka  2010

       The  San Francisco bay, entrance of a cargo ship   2010


          Under a mist of Fog and erased

          Golden Gate Bridge  {in the clear view}

       Golden Gate Bridge blanket covered

Listening to a crappy tape recording. It warbles through  the rocking waves on the boat ride. I rode this on a family visit in August.  The usual starting point of summer here in San Francisco but not this day. Later we stopped at Boudin's to make it a complete visit to Fisherman's Wharf.

                 red light in red line fleet   August 2010

                                          voidsszs      2010