Friday, October 29, 2010


                                 Wall Quote,  from studio.

      Myself as a young lad,  dressed as a Hobo for Halloween.
     After a cub scout  meeting at my elementary school. 3rd grade

      Worry Wheel
      from New york timesmagazine

    HAlloween / Sloan Museum 2nd exhibit of animatronic dinosaurs

My cub scout troop at meeting
I am  not sure what the others in this picture are doing other than one.
He is the one with the glasses, Zack Peacock now either a dentist or mouth surgeon.
My dentist, also went to school with him at UCSF oddly enough. 
His father was my dentist too.

 This is Kelly, my cousin, when she was very young with her family dog.  She is now an Optometrist.
                             I always laugh  when I see this.